Zayna Maduro

Real Estate Guru at ID Realty Group Aruba

    About Zayna Maduro

    Meet Zayna Maduro. At just 18 years old, Zayna holds the impressive titles of being ranked as the 34th fittest teen in the world, number one in Aruba and in The Netherlands!

    Zayna is a dedicated CrossFit athlete, embodying discipline and determination with a strong drive to excel.

    Currently, Zayna serves as an Assistant Real Estate Guru at ID Realty Group. She is recognized for her transparency and ability to adapt to various situations. Zayna’s dedication and passion for sports and real estate are invaluable assets to ID Realty Group Aruba.

    Zayna is always ready to welcome you with a warm smile when you visit ID Realty Group’s office!

    Language: English, Dutch, Papiamento and Spanish

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