Roberto ‘Solo’ Solognier

Real Estate Guru at ID Realty Group Aruba

    About Roberto ‘Solo’ Solognier

    Meet Roberto Solognier, better known as Solo, who has recently ventured into the real estate field. Alongside his roles as a business owner in the driving school and tourism industries, Solo brings valuable experience from his time in the police force. He possesses a natural talent for communication, setting clear expectations, and providing exceptional customer service.

    Solo’s primary goal is to ensure every transaction is as smooth and stress-free as possible. He understands the importance of prioritizing his clients above all else, remaining committed to their interests and decisions.

    Teaming up with Agbert Croes, they form the DUO team, recognized for their full-service attitude and dedication to exceeding client expectations.

    Outside of work, Solo enjoys practicing his favorite sport, Beach Tennis.

    Language: English, Dutch, Papiamento and Spanish

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